“The score is right for the rich tones of Rebecca Bailey, as a wayfaring Mary Magdalene” –Bangor Daily News
a standout, poignant moment when she sang in “I Don’t Know How To Love Him.” –Maine Campus
“Getting an audience to root for such a creature requires skill, and Cayouette has it. As does Rebecca Bailey, as Meredith, whose motherly instincts are stirred by her fanged and pointy-eared houseguest, Bailey has the intelligence and physical agility of the best comic actresses. She has a powerfully rich voice, too...pairings with [Rebecca Bailey] are especially ebullient. They have so much fun together onstage that you forget they're acting.” -The Bangor Daily News (on BatBoy: The Musical)
“Rebecca Bailey as Viola, Simon Ferland as Sebastian, Sarah Farnham as Olivia and Hans-Stefan Ducharme as Duke Orsino gave excellent performances. The women were especially good at capturing the nuances in the dialogue. The characters created by these actors communicated with each other rather than the actors who portrayed them simply reciting lines.”
- The Bangor Daily News
"Ben Layman, Rebecca Bailey and Christie Robinson are all outstanding as they cycle through the many characters that populate the world of Frog and Toad."
-The Maine Edge